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One City remains after the world collapsed, protected by a wall, controlled by a system. After all, how can you keep the peace without a system? It’s the system that feeds you, that protects you; it's the system that keeps life simple and clean. Without it, all would be lost. The laws, however few, are responsible for your safety, they’re necessary to keep people alive; it's the law that keeps the system running. If you break the law, you break the system, and the punishment for that is exile. 

What happens when you exile all the law breakers, murders, thieves, to a world where chaos is King? They survive. They remember.

Nicolas is just like everyone, he obeys the system, he follows the law. All he wants is a simple life, and like everyone he was about to get it. But unlike everyone, he betrayed the City—at least, that's what they say.

The truth? The City is under attack, their wall has been breached and traitors wander their streets. Now it’s Nic’s mission to stop them from within. But what happens when you send a normal boy into exile with an enemy who has a score to settle? He learns to survive. He bows to the King and embraces chaos.

But he's a sheep in a wolf’s skin. And how can a sheep defeat an army of wolves?

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